mwahahaha i love cliffhangers!!!
Fleck wasn’t too sure about risking his apprentice’s life on his mission, but he supposed Nat wouldn’t let him go alone. They packed up camp that morning and were off through the thick pine woods.
The two rabbits didn’t stop for anything that day. Nat silently plodded on next to Fleck, his feet sore and his legs tired. And Fleck seemed quiet too, and tired, and he limped.
By evening, Fleck stopped at the edge of what looked like a battlefield. It was all charred grass, injured or fallen from both sides, and a hopeless feeling.
“Wolves.” Fleck Whispered. “Be careful.” With that, Captain Joveson of the Forest guard took to treating the injured rabbits around him. One young rabbit, leaning against a rock, looked at him.
“Greetings.” The buck said, slowly.
“Lokson?” Fleck asked. The rabbit nodded- but you could barely tell who it was under the ash.
“What happened?” Fleck asked. Lokson shrugged. “I was knocked out the whole time, Fleck. It must have been one of those surprise-burn-and-run attacks, like they used to use against us on the Quest.”
Fleck nodded. “You had a small force, Lokson. Only fifty, right?”
“Aye.” Fleck helped Lokson to his feet. “Are they all right?”
“All of them are knocked out, no one is hurt badly.”
“What are you doing out here?” Lokson asked.
“You remember that Quest we went on, right?” Fleck asked. Nat stood next to him.
“Aye. With Bastille, Midnight, Trinity, Hana, Pacer, Perkyn, Scout, Stretch, Rex, Helmer, and Kay.” Lokson said, smiling fondly. “We raided dragon dens, escaped dungeons, walked through weird old forests, and all for Lady Sapphire to say that it was yours now.”
“Yeah, well, you remember how you agreed to come with me on any quest I need? I need you now, Lokson.” Fleck said, standing a bit taller than before.
“Alright, Where are we going?” Lokson asked.
Lokson nodded, hurrying off to confer with a young buck, obviously his lieutenant.
“I’ll come.” He said when he came back.
The three rabbits set off towards Cloud Mountain then, in hopes of recruiting Scout and Perkin.
About three miles away from Cloud Mountain it started pouring rain. Fleck reluctantly pulled his hood on, he hated how it obscured his surroundings. The rain made seeing things ahead impossible as well.
Anxious minutes passed until Lokson’s voice cut through the rain like a foghorn. “Hey Fleck. Where’s you’re apprentice?”
Fleck looked around for Nat, panicked. “Oh no.” Her whispered, throwing his hood back to expand his vision.
“Shh.” Lokson whispered. “Listen.”
A ways away, they could hear shouts and the ringing of steel. Both rabbits drew their swords and rushed towards the battle.
When he burst into the clearing, Fleck froze. Morbinson was poised over Nat. Without thinking, Fleck rushed forward, knocking his apprentice away from the bird’s sword.
Fleck had no time to move. Morbinson slashed him across the face, but he dodged away before more serious damage could be done.
“Lokson! Get Nat outa here!” Fleck yelled. Lokson dropped his bow and rushed toward the scared young rabbit.
Fleck wove back and forth under the deadly bird, striking back quickly. The three rabbits were locked in battle- and it wasn’t looking as though it would end well.
-Fleck Cove
LOKSON!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Great chapter, looking forward to more!
How are you?