I crouched in the bushes, ears laying flat against my head and fur plastered to my clothes by the rain. Meeker and Fleck crouched by me, and we waited. Fleck, Meeker, and I knocked arrows and trained our darts to the enemies. Several raptors fell at our sharp shots.
We felt a presence behind us.
“Don’t shoot, you’ll give our position.” A young doe asked.
“Who are you?” Meeker asked. I was glad he had spoken, I was Tounge-tied.
“Me names Jaidie.” She said.
Hearing howls, we all froze. Jaidie crouched next to us in the underbrush, peeking through the branches. Wolves were forming a circle around King Jupiter, who was tied up. Our Fellow King’s arm were all killed and laying limp. Helmer and Wilfred were tied to trees, and Wilfred’s son Kiowa lay limp next to him.
Garten stepped into the circle, jeering. Morbin settled on the ground.
“Oh great king, sovor your last moments.” Garten sneered.
“You will fail, Morbin bird. You can’t kill an idea-“ Jupiter was cut off as he was killed.
Jaidie motioned to the forest. I remembered then; Jaidie was a Joveson!
Rabbits poured from the forest, shouting. Meeker, Fleck, and I followed. We charged into a desperate fight, bravely wielding our blades.
i just love cliffhangers!!!!
-Fleck, who will be drawing the characters soon!!!
What a great chapter and awww!!!! That's so sweet of you!!!!! And yeah!!!! Jaidie is Smalls sister we love Smalls!!!!!!!