Note: Sorry I didn't get anything out yesterday, here's a longer part to make up for it. I should have the next part out in at most 5 hours from now. Also, I've renamed the chapter to "Partners and Preparations", cause it's getting to be really long. Chapter 3 is going to be "Thieves in the Night". Enjoy!
Seven winged shapes descended from a tree, and the Fowlers prepared to do battle with the Lord of Prey.
No, thought Halifax, they’re too small for raptors…
The other Fowlers obviously came to the same conclusion, and held their fire, though they kept their bows nocked and ready.
The birds swooped over the rabbit’s heads and out into the sunlight of the open parade ground. They came around in a perfect V formation, before landing in a perfect line opposite to the Fowlers.
The seven birds were of varying species: three Sparrows, who all appeared the same age; a Mockingbird, who seemed very twitchy; a Blue jay, who began preening its feathers; a bright red Cardinal, stoic and still; and a pale brown Cardinal with a taller crest, who hopped forward to stand beside Captain Owen. All of them had armored beaks sharpened to a point, thick fabric vests for protection, and metal talons on their feet.
“Wingleader Windcutter and her squadron will be providing support on this mission,” declared Owen, “and, should all go well, probably future ones as well. She and I have some final training preparations to look over, so I’ll leave the rest of you to get acquainted.”
The two leaders marched off towards a few Royal Engineers who were tinkering with the Helmer Tree- a replica of the same tree the late legend had used during his time in Cloud Mountain.
Halifax turned back to the birds, and found himself looking directly into the eye of a sparrow.
“You ugly,” it squeaked.
Halifax dryly replied, “You’re fairly hideous yourself.”
The sparrow chirped happily before turning to what were presumably his brothers, “This one knows, have fun!” he turned back to the rabbit, outstretching a wing, “I, Swiftfeather. You?”
“Halifax,” he replied, reaching out and shaking the wingtip.
“Those brothers, Bushthresh and Twigthief,” the bird said, gesturing to the other two Sparrows, who were talking with another group Fowlers.
“No trust Sparrow names!” called the twitchy Mockingbird from far down the line, “They change when you not look!”
Swiftfeather fluttered, “Him Windfright. Him not know, have fun…”
Halifax shrugged, “Well, Sparrow-friend, what do you think of all this?”
The songbird straightened- well, for a bird at least- and looked around at the ropes and bridges that hung between the trees of Newcity.
“Newcity… is new… I no think thing like Newcity happen before,” The bird looked back to the rabbit,“...Rabbits strange too. Four-leg. No wings!”
“Well, you haven't seen us fly yet,” replied Halifax. Swiftfeather tilted his head to the side, looking at his new friend with both eyes.
“Rabbits very strange.”
A loud chirp sounded across the field, and the birds immediately hopped and fluttered to attention, as did the rabbits.
“Alright bucks and birds, we have much to do, and very little time…”
The next few hours were consumed hungrily by many different drills, such as having the birds catch the Fowlers mid-air without ripping their gliders, practicing seamless pickups and dropoffs, and having archers like Halifax hitting targets while being borne aloft.
Finally, as the sun reached the apex of it’s journey, Owen and Windcutter called them together for a final challenge.
Sorry, I've been meaning to read these for a while and just got the chance. Your writing is amazing! I love the descriptions and humor, and the overall professional tone. And I'm really enjoying the story! I think my favorite character so far is Edith.
I know this is totally random, but the name Halifax reminded me of Hasufel, Aragorn's horse, and Shadowfax, Gandalf's horse!