I wrote another chapter. I hope you like it!
Maisy was sitting on her bed thinking. It had been raining for about a week now, and Maisy was getting bored of playing inside. "I wish I had somthing to do." she exclaimed. Maisy heard a knock on the door. "Come in." she said as she turned to see who it was. It was Emma, Maisys little sister. "The rain stopped!" exclaimed Emma hapily. "Did it really?" asked Maisy suspiously. "It did!" said Emma. "Will you play outside?" she added. "Of course" Maisy exclaimed. The girls, who were joined by Lily, quickly made their way outside. Sunshine and a soft breeze greeted Maisy when she stepped out the door. "We should play Starseek." exclaimed Lily. "Sure!" said Maisy. "I'll see if Peter wants to play." she added. Maisy started walking to Peters house. As she walked Maisy passed an old creeky black house that had been there since Maisy was born. The rabbit who lives there is an old grey buck who everyone is terrified of. Peter had told Maisy that even he is scared of him. All the children call him Mr. Grumpy. Once Maisy was at Peter's house she Knocked on the door. Peters mom opened it. "Oh! Hello Maisy. What can I do for you?" "Is Peter home?" Maisy asked. "Why yes. I'll call him down." replied Maisys mom. "Peter Maisys here." she holored up the stairs. Maisy heard footsteps as Peter rushed downstairs. "Hello Maisy." Peter said when he saw her. "Hello. Would you like to play Starseek with me and my sisters?" Maisy asked. "Sure." replied Peter. So the two freinds walked to Maisy's house together. Peter, Maisy, and her sisters played together until they were all tired. They decided to lay down in the grass and rest. "Can we do one more toss?" asked Emma. "Ok." Maisy sighed. They all got up and Peter tossed the star one last time for Emma. The star flew and flew zooming through the air. It finaly started going down and landed right in the yard... of Mr. Grumpy.