Exactly what it says on the tin. I did this as an exersise to see how the Prince Gang + Picket group dynamics would work lol
“Are you sure I can’t punch him in the face?” Naylen hisses, hovering over his brother’s shoulder and glaring fiercely at Smalls.
“No.” Kylen grumbles. “No punching.”
“What if I just break his nose a little?”
“Mother said we couldn’t attack any family members this time.”
“Mother’s not here.”
“No, but I am, and I’m perfectly content to break every bone in your body if you start a fight.” Smalls replies evenly.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Evan sighs, “But he’s right, no fighting.”
“I can’t believe I’m hearing this conversation.” Picket mumbles, glancing in between the four and rolling his eyes.
“Can we please just focus on getting out of here-Naylen, why are you glaring at me?” Evan groans.
“I’m hoping you’ll spontaneously combust.”
“That won’t work.” Kylen told his brother.
“Yes I know but it’s making me feel better.”
“No one is going to spontaneously combust!” Evan snaps. “Thanks, all of you, now I’m in a bad mood because I have to be the responsible one for once!”
Picket snorts, quickly covering his laughter with a cough.
“It’s not funny,” Evan snaps.
No one bothers to affirm or deny that statement.
They walk for a few minutes in silence, the torch’s sputtering the only noise in the darkness, before Naylen spoke up again. “If one were to spontaneously combust, how would that work?”
“You would be dead.” Smalls replies dryly. “And the remnants of your body likely all over the place.”
Naylen makes a face. “Ew.”
“That’s why stabbing someone is better.” Kylen nods.
“Good grief-can we talk about something other than death?” Evan moans. “Don’t you see enough of it?”
“That’s why talking about it’s fun.” Naylen replies.
“It’s really not.” Picket replies.
“Stabbing things is.”
“Why the obsession with stabbing things?” Picket protests.
“……it’s fun?”
Picket is beginning to wonder if maybe this was the reason why Kylen was sent to infiltrate the citadels and Naylen wasn’t.
“Yes, watching the blood slowly pour out another’s or your own body is truly fascinating.” Sarcasm is dripping from Smalls’ words.
“I’m convinced you’ve never felt an emotion other than irritation in your entire life.” Naylen replies after a minute.
Evan snorts at that, “Close.”
Smalls rolls his eyes-actually rolls his eyes-and retorts, “At least someone in this group has self-control.”
“And a deeply-seated feud with several other members of the party,” Picket notes, “And apparently a very bad mood.”
The look Smalls shoots him is far from cordial.
“I didn’t start it.” Kylen replies, flicking a narrowed gaze towards his younger cousin.
Smalls recoils. “You tried to have me killed!”
“I was going to let that be water under the bridge!”
“That’s not how that works!”
Evan rubs his forehead. “I wonder how Jo and the girls are doing……..”
Seriously, I would totally read a full length fic of this. Would love some bits of Helmer putting up with Picket and the royal cousins too.
Jo is with the girls? Hoo boy.