If I could fly, I would. But I couldn't. I had to climb up the tree I was now perched in. I was staring into a wretched "kingdom". Morbin's bunny prison, I liked to call it. It was a disgrace to birds. Me being one of the few birds who hate the sight of it.
As I was brooding, I heard squawking from above. I dove down the side of the tree. I was too late. The patrol snatched me from the air.
With a missing my left wing, I was just a slump in their talons. I knew where they were taking me.
"Mesa," Morbin said. "What a pleasure to–"
"Let's skip the formalities," I cut in. "We're far past that."
"I'm giving you one more chance." He had no sympathy in his voice. "Why?" I asked. "Why now? Why again?"
"You could be very valuable," He explained. "You have a great mind. Plus," He added with a cruel smile, "what is family for."
"You think you're so much better just because you hatched ten seconds before me."
"What would Father think," He said in a sly disappointed voice. My brother had a way of changing the subject. "A non-meat-eater for a daughter. He would–"
"You would have to make me forget everything logical to help you!" His smile grew bigger in size and cruelty.
"That can be arranged."
This should so happen!