It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining in an almost cloudless sky. The little buds on the trees were in bloom. But all of those beauties, Picket ignored. All he could see was Emma walking towards him on her brother’s arm.
She was wearing a long, white trailing dress, with pink and white flowers sewn in. Upon her head was a tiara made of flowers with a veil in front of her.
Emma gave Smalls a quick hug before taking her place beside Picket. A hush went through the garden as Hayward started to speak. The ceremony went on, Picket and Emma standing there silent until it was time for the vows.
“Picket,” Hayward said. “I believe you wrote your own vow.”
“Yes, I have,” Picket said, shyness rushing over him. He took a deep breath and started.
“Ever since I first met you, you were always caring for me, even when I pushed you away. You whipped me into shape in the sweetest way. Now I vow to care for you, in good times and bad. Throughout the war and in the Mended Wood. Until the Green Ember rises AND to the end of the world. I would gladly lay down my life for you if it comes to that.” Tears were running down Emma’s face.
“That was beautiful,” she said, half laughing, half crying. “I feel bad now I didn’t write something for you. But let me say, I love you, and I will always love you. I’ll take care of you, even though you can be a grouch, throughout the war and in the Mended Wood.”
“Well then,” Hayward announced. “I pronounce you husband and wife. Picket, you may kiss the bride.”
The happy couple didn’t hear the tears and didn’t see the doe who sprint from the wedding. But Heather did see. She saw Weezie run.
The newlywed couple walked off at sat down in two chairs near the front, making way for Helmer to walk up. Emerald was walking down the aisle alone. During the planning of the wedding, she realized there was no one to walk her. She had shrugged and said, “I think I’m old enough to do it myself.” And so she did.
She was wearing a long, white dress similar to Emma’s, though she opted out of wearing the tiara. Heather had even gotten her to leave her sword behind.
She was mere steps away from Helmer when a call sounded. A bird’s call. Swooping from the sky were three bird falcons. Picket swept up Emma, who couldn’t run in her gown and ran her to safety. Before joining the other Fowlers in the fight.
Helmer had unsheathed his sword and rushed at one of the birds who was going straight to Emerald. Emerald tried to run. But tripped. One of the other birds, seeing his chance, grabbed her in his talons and flew off.
Jo didn’t see her and shot down the bird with multiple arrows. The bird was high enough that if the arrows didn’t do the full job, the drop would.
Helmer saw as his bride fell from the sky. He ran over to where she had landed. He was too late. There was an arrow lodged in her side, and her breathing had stopped.
Picket ran to his Master’s side. But Helmer stopped him from getting too close.
“Go to Emma, ladybug,” he ordered in a low voice. “Don’t let your wedding get ruined.”
Picket didn’t know what to say, so he did as he was told. He went to Emma and hugged her.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yes, but I’m not so sure about Master Helmer.” He hugged her tighter. “I just don’t know what I would do if that were you.”