I just like fanfics, i guess. so this ones about the travels of Fleck [and Bastille!!!] but i'm not done with the others so i need to make a list.... anyway, mostly Akolan stories.....
Fleck sighed and handed Bastille his pack. And his sword. And his bow. And his quiver. He left his identification Citadel Passes around his neck on their twine and kept an arrow tucked in his cloak.
"We're going to Akolan." Bastille said, tossing Fleck a bag of potatoes and a waterskin.
How can this be? Fleck wondered. he knew Bastille thought he was stupid, but had never expected her to turn on the cause. so many questions flashed through Fleck's mind, suddenly landing on the arsenist and conspiracy theories of last year.
But worsethan the hunger, worry, and thirst nagging him, was one sentance. Bastille was a traitor.
sorry for spelling, i thought i could be a tech genious and messed with the space key... lol...
Hahahahaha!!! that is too funny lol😂