I've had way too much coffee today, lol... I am on a writing roll!! Better use some of this energy for school... sheesh!
Have a great weekend and God bless!
Sorry for typos!
The trip back to Akolan was quiet. The air had calmed down and blew teasingly as they soared over top the forest and sea of never ending greenery. The stars twinkled gently above and the moon cast a cold, comforting glow down on the quiet world.
As the mountains began to rise on the horizon and their destination grew closer, Admiral began to slow his flight till he sailed lazily through the air. The cool mountain air returned and brushed through Dylan’s fur as he thought over the evening. He had not intended that to happen. The evening wasn’t supposed to play out that way at all. This all was supposed to be for her, not him. He was supposed to be there to offer her his support, to comfort her. But instead, she comforted him.
He grew thoughtful as the forest rolled away underneath them like an ocean, and the stone of the mountains began to clamor up before them. Dylan couldn’t believe the comfort and warmth he had felt from her gentle touch. That’s all it had taken. Her tender touch and the stone wall he had built around his grief for years was shattered and crumpled to pieces. His grief of having to leave her. The wall was obliterated.
Just. Like. That.
He felt his face grow warm as Laurel rested her head against his back. She must be cold and tired…
Dylan remembered what he had managed to tell her before he had broken down. It will only make this worse. She had assumed how he felt was what he meant. The years of not sharing his heart with someone else. Someone to trust. Someone to tell all his pains and griefs to. But that wasn’t what he meant.
This evening was supposed to be for her. The last time he would be able to be with her before he would distance himself from her.
His heart sank and he swallowed repeatedly. He couldn’t back out of it now. But he wanted to. He needed her. He- no!
Dylan tried to bury the feelings that threatened to spill over. He had to do this. He had to keep her safe. But the comfort he felt…
Blast! He thought angrily. How can I go through with this?!
“Dylan?” She asked quietly. It startled him.
“Yes?” He asked in return, turning his head to try and see her. She lifted her head and her radiant green eyes met his. The moon was reflected in her eyes and seemed to add to its emerald brightness and brilliance. It made his mouth go dry.
“Thank you, for tonight.” She said quietly, giving him a small smile as a few tears rolled down her face. She then leaned her forehead against his back once more and fell silent.
Dylan turned to look in front of them as the city of Akolan finally came into view, so far, yet so close. Tears filled his eyes and he squinted his eyes shut, trying to inhale deeply. He couldn’t do this! The stab of pain went through his heart. He was terrified to admit what he felt, even to himself. He couldn’t lose her!
Oh Maker, help me go through with this! He begged, fighting the urge to tell Admiral to return to that sacred hill and leave them there. To run away. To be free. But it couldn’t work. Laurel still had her brother to think about. And the Cause needed them. And he… he couldn’t tell her yet. He couldn’t open his heart now. But it killed him.
He had to go through with this. There was no other way. As Akolan drew nearer and Admiral began to sink lower and lower, Dylan swallowed down his fear and guilt and accusations that filled his mind.
There was no other way.
Hey, @Bearer of the Flame! I noticed you hadn't posted in a while. Like, longer ago than me. Is school busy? Is anything going on?
Don't feel pressured to answer if you don't have time, but if you do, how are you lately? I hope all is well!
AAAHHHH!!!!!!! These just get better and better, and every time I read them I feel like I am going to explode with excitement and anticipation!!!! I love Dylan and Laurel so, so, so much, and I loved this chapter in Dylan's mind!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh, that was so sad and so sweet!!!! Dylan's resolve is beautiful!!!! He is so sweet!!!! Argh, we wish they could just be together and be happy! Ahhh, this is so great!!!!!
Oh man, this was so well written!! I really feel for Dylan!!!!
Oh, so tenderly sweet and sad at the same time! This chapter was beautifully written and Dylan's conflict - UGH I CAN FEEL IT!!!! I'm so pumped for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm crying. in a good way...
great writing!