Some interesting ideas on here. My five, in no particular order:
He’s apparently never killed a raptor before, so him taking down the Preylord king would be just like him. Literally the only way I would be somewhat okay with him dying in the last book is if he did it while fighting taking out one of the Five.
Cole (probably in tandem with the other Fowlers)
It’s a bit disappointing that we haven’t seen the Fowlers doing what they were trained for as a unit: hunting birds. Picket and Jo each have a couple to their credit, so it’d be nice if Cole could at least land the killing blow on one.
As has been said, Smalls taking out Morbin with the Stone Sword would be epic, and seems like a fitting conclusion to the Cause’s struggle. Of course, taking on any raptor alone is a big challenge for a rabbit-unless you’re Picket apparently-so I wouldn’t object to him getting some help from Heather or someone.
If any doe currently in the series was to kill Morbin, Heyna seems most likely to me. I love Heather and Emma, but they’re both trained for healing, not fighting, so if they play any role in Morbin’s demise I see it being more of a supporting action. Weezie could be interesting, but unless she’s majorly improved in the archery department I don’t imagine she’d be the one to finish Morbin off. Harmony doesn’t have any combat ability that we know of, and all the older does are, well, older, and also have no combat training hat we know of. Heyna is the only one with both youth, training, and ability on her side, and I could see her leaping in to Emma or Smalls defense and taking Morbin down.
Another antagonist
Seeing Kylen or Garten strike down Morbin could be interesting, but it’s kind of low on my expectations. I feel like Kylen-unless he were fatally wounded in the fight-would try to use it to press his claim to the throne, unles he’d submitted to Emma or Smalls beforehand. As for Garten, I’d rather see him witness Morbin‘s fall and have his arrogant/hopeless views fall to pieces in front of him.
There’s a few others who could potentially do it, but I think they’ve been covered. Kind of surprised no one brought up any Citadel lords, but then again they’ve been getting killed off rather rapidly the past couple of books.
Some interesting ideas on here. My five, in no particular order:
He’s apparently never killed a raptor before, so him taking down the Preylord king would be just like him. Literally the only way I would be somewhat okay with him dying in the last book is if he did it while fighting taking out one of the Five.
Cole (probably in tandem with the other Fowlers)
It’s a bit disappointing that we haven’t seen the Fowlers doing what they were trained for as a unit: hunting birds. Picket and Jo each have a couple to their credit, so it’d be nice if Cole could at least land the killing blow on one.
As has been said, Smalls taking out Morbin with the Stone Sword would be epic, and seems like a fitting conclusion to the Cause’s struggle. Of course, taking on any raptor alone is a big challenge for a rabbit-unless you’re Picket apparently-so I wouldn’t object to him getting some help from Heather or someone.
If any doe currently in the series was to kill Morbin, Heyna seems most likely to me. I love Heather and Emma, but they’re both trained for healing, not fighting, so if they play any role in Morbin’s demise I see it being more of a supporting action. Weezie could be interesting, but unless she’s majorly improved in the archery department I don’t imagine she’d be the one to finish Morbin off. Harmony doesn’t have any combat ability that we know of, and all the older does are, well, older, and also have no combat training hat we know of. Heyna is the only one with both youth, training, and ability on her side, and I could see her leaping in to Emma or Smalls defense and taking Morbin down.
Another antagonist
Seeing Kylen or Garten strike down Morbin could be interesting, but it’s kind of low on my expectations. I feel like Kylen-unless he were fatally wounded in the fight-would try to use it to press his claim to the throne, unles he’d submitted to Emma or Smalls beforehand. As for Garten, I’d rather see him witness Morbin‘s fall and have his arrogant/hopeless views fall to pieces in front of him.
There’s a few others who could potentially do it, but I think they’ve been covered. Kind of surprised no one brought up any Citadel lords, but then again they’ve been getting killed off rather rapidly the past couple of books.