So part of my 'True Blue' AU, Which includes Ember's Blood, Smalls, Evan (Smalls' older brother, goofball with heart but with certain relationship difficulties), Kylen, Naylen, and Picket all manage to get themselves trapped underground. In other words, what exactly would happen if you chucked the main male characters (Pluse my one OC, humor me) into a cramped space? cause that would be chaotic at best. Here's the current dynamics I've got going on;
Smalls and Kylen: Not getting along. At all. Their arguing is getting on everyone else's nerves, though Smalls is trying to be the bigger person but having an extremely difficult time of it. They're both jealous of each other, Smalls thinking that Kylen's spoiled and Kylen thinking that Smalls is a jerk. That and the whole Heather thing, which is.......not great.
Evan: Playing mediator, and wondering why he's here in the first place. Attempting to keep the mood light, but, well, Kylen and Smalls.
Naylen: Mostly just wants to be kept out of the drama, but isn't above chipping in at times. Doesn't necessarily understand why Smalls and Kylen dislike each other so much, but perfectly content to root for his brother from the side.
Picket: Only gets involved whenever Heather is brought up, fiercely defending his sister's honor and less than happy that she's being brough into the debate in the first place.
And yes, I call them the Prince Gang + Picket in my outlines. It sounds like a terrible band, but, well, y'know.
Looks like something got censored-did you type the word j e r k? That happened to me once-kind of dumb.