Spotted and got inspired by a tumblr post in which various characters from Star Wars Rebels all had social media handles. It got me thinking: what would our favorite rabbits with swords do in that situation? I have a few ideas but would love to see what others think.
Picket: generalsunshine, packslayer, shuffler, ladybug, thingstealer, lord_layabout, seedeater
Picket started out with General Sunshine, but made the mistake of giving Weezie the password to his account. She’s frequently changed it, and Picket’s become resigned to the fact. He would change his password, but he can’t bring himself to deny Weezie anything she so obviously enjoys. He just wishes she’d stop asking everybody about their nicknames for him.
Weezie: weezie
Nothing too complicated here. Of course, Weezie’s account also notes that her real name is Louise.
Helmer: wasp, master_child, private_misgivings, lord_high_captain, your_royal_lordship
Helmer’s keeps getting changed because Picket helped him set up the account(s) and enjoys taking little jabs at his master. Helmer isn’t tech savvy enough to know how to correct this or to kick Picket off his account.
Emma: emmarabbit
Emma, as you might guess, based her tag on what Doctor Zeiger used to call her. She flatly refuses to change it to anything like princess_bright, doctor_princess, or the like.
Jo: firstfowler
Jo made a new account after returning to Halfwind with Smalls’ entourage. His old account had only one follower (lund_way_behind_you) and his old handle was something he’d prefer to forget. His new account was soon followed by all the Bracers, his fellow Fowlers (though they all give him grief about the name), and various other friends made at Cloud Mountain and elsewhere.
Nate: nate_f
I feel like Captain Flynn wouldn’t bother with anything funny or fancy. He’s too professional.
Studge: therealbracerstudge
No one has the heart to tell Studge that his handle is needlessly specific. No one has ever been remotely inclined to impersonate him, not even as a joke.
Naylen: nayled_it
Morgan: morgn_u_brgnd_4
Ronan: ronan_on_empty
Cole: black_as_cole