Hope I’m not repeating myself or stepping on anybody’s toes with this post. I just thought it might be fun to discuss comparisons between some of our favorite Green Ember characters and those from other series. I begin with a group whom it may seem odd to compare to rabbits: the cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Now, of course, the TMNT have gone through several incarnations. However, I think the various versions of the Turtles line up well with members of the Fowlers:
Picket-Raphael; they tend to have similar difficulties with temper and impulse control.
Cole-Leonardo; both of them are levelheaded and responsible, though Cole doesn’t usually take the lead as Leonardo tends to.
Jo-Michelangelo; they’re both rather comedic, though also surprisingly skilled when it comes down to it.
Hayward-Donatello; yeah, I know Hayward was dismissed from the Fowlers, but he is definitely their Donnie.
Helmer-Splinter; admittedly Helmer has a sterner nature than most Splinters. Of course, most Splinters-if not all-didn’t have a previous set of students murdered in front of them.
The comparisons get a bit more difficult past that point. Heather or Emma would probably be April O’Neal, but Smalls doesn’t strike me as a Casey Jones. King Jupiter could perhaps be an equivalent to Hamato Yoshi, if we’re talking a version of TMNT where Splinter isn’t also Yoshi.
Do I even need to say that Morbin is Shredder?
Cool ideas! I'm not a huge fan of TMNT so, I don't know who Yoshi is. But other than that it looks great.