Dear little Jacks. The third Longtreader child. The forgotten brother.
Anyone else a little disappointed with how little "page time" Jacks is given overall? He barely appears in The Green Ember, might as well not exist in Ember Falls, and is sadly sidelined in Ember's End. I will say, however, that I thought Jacks' role in Ember Rising was awesome. The younger brother of the Scribe of the Cause and Picket Packslayer is an ally and tool of Morbin Blackhawk and the Wrongtreaders? Yes, please. xD
But after Ember Rising, Jacks' role in the story really dwindles. For most of the book, he's just doing whatever his parents are doing. If Whittle's there, Jacks is there. And while that's fine, I really would've loved to see more on Jacks and how much he's grown since his Ember Rising days. And yes, I do realize and understand that S. D. Smith has such an impressively massive cast of characters that he can't give them all their fair share of story. But it still seems like Jacks should've been given a bit more attention than he was. I mean, he's Heather and Picket's little brother, not just a random youngling. Yet nobody ever seems to think or talk about him much, S. D. Smith included. He's given so little of the spotlight that, to be completely honest, there are times where I forget he exists. Not even kidding. xD
I guess I just really feel like there's more to be explored when it comes to Jacks. I'd loved to have seen a few chapters, or even an entire book, from Jacks' POV.
What do y'all think? Are you satisfied with what we got on Jacks, or would you liked to have seen more of him, like me? If S. D. Smith decided to do a mini-series on Jacks, what would you think?
Did Jacks just get "And Peggyed?"