Anybody up for talking about forgotten characters...
Like Hadley and Jab, what happened to them? The Commandant just got dumped, still wondering where he went? What about Lund? Nate Flynn, Owen, Studge? What about Stretch and Dote’s friends, Gripple and the other one, can’t remember his name... And there are so many others that just got lost...
So name your favorite forgotten character\or characters and how you think their story\or stories should end....
Well, I think the Commandant’s fate depends on how the escape from Akolan went. The Seventh District, or at least the Tunneler before Whittle, at one point believed that they’d have to leave behind a rear guard of old bucks to defend their escape. If that ended up being the case, the Commandant seems the natural candidate to have led it, since Whittle clearly didn’t.
If no rear guard was necessary, I imagine the Commandant either commanded a ship or/and led Akolan’s battlebucks into the final fight.