So with all the excitement over the new book announcements, I've been thinking back on some aspects of the Green Ember world. Part of the richness of the world is that there are so many characters and concepts that have been hinted at, but we know little to nothing about them. In some cases, we don't even know names. These include the following:
*Two members of the original Black Star Company
*Fleck Blackstar's son, so far only referred to as "the second Lord Blackstar"
*King Good's father, and his second son, who came between Bleston and Jupiter
*One of the Six, assuming that Morbin, Gern, Shelt, Vardon, and Falcowit were the rest
*Seven or so of King Jupiter's sons, and all his daughters besides Emma
*The previous Tunneler's seven sons
Well, Ember’s End didn’t give us more on any of these. Our only hopes now are that a prequel (or prequels) or some kind of character guide or encyclopedia will be released that gives us more info. Might also be nice to learn more about the children of Lord Hewson, along with Heather and Picket’s respective kids.