Hi guys! This is my first post, so here goes nothing. Anyway, are they any characters in other books/shows who you think are similar to Green Ember characters?

For me, Aragorn from Lord of the Rings reminds me of Helmer, especially when you first meet the characters. Helmer is being kind of mysterious in the corner of the Savory Den, and Arragon (known as Strider at the time) was also sitting in a corner at the Prancing Pony. For me, when I first read about/saw the characters, I thought they were going to be evil (or at least sort of against the other characters).
Also, Luke Skywalker kind of reminds me of Picket. When you first met them, neither of them have any idea what is going on outside of the area called home or who their family really is. Then their homes are both burned and they run away with an older mentor. As time goes on, they learn about their family history and fight for the freedom of their galaxy/land. They also become awesome at fighting. There are so many things running through my head that are similar between the two of them. It's crazy.
Anyway, post below if there are any other character connections, or add on to the two I mentioned. Hope you liked my post!
-Broken Arrow
Jo and Legolas!!!