Hello there. I'm starting a series of Character Comparisons, some being with at least one TGE character, which I will post here. My first is a comparison of Princess Senator General Leia Organa Skywalker Solo and Princess Emma Joveson.
Princess Leia and Princess Emma
Princess Emma Joveson of The Green Ember is in many ways very similar to Princess Senator Genreal Leia Organa Skywalker Solo, Jedi Knight of Star Wars.
They’re both kick-butt, independent Princesses, but there are more similarities than just that...
An Interesting Upbringing
One of the main plot points in both series is those characters learning their heritage. Princess Emma was born a Princess, while Princess Leia was raised, but not born, as a princess. Emma found out her heritage and had to become a princess, even though she wasn’t ready. When Leia found out her heritage, she had to become a Jedi, even though she wasn’t ready.
They both had a parent who died very early in their life, Emma’s being King Jupiter, and Leia’s being Padmé. Neither met their other parent until they were around 19, though Leia’s father was evil. Since she was with her future husband Han Solo on Endor at the time her twin brother Luke was confronting their father and redeeming him, Leia never met her father while he was not evil. Emma on the other hand met her mother multiple times, who had never turned evil.
Secret Brothers

Both characters had a brother that they
had never met until the main events of the book/movie. They both met their sibling but didn't know they were siblings until later in the saga. Smallden and Luke also have some minor similarities, but I'll save that for another time.
Emma, who had Smalls as her secret brother, was shocked at the news, as she had no clue that she was related to King Jupiter. Leia, again, was slightly different in her reaction. Leia said, "I know. Somehow I've always known." She was very calm getting the news, saying she had always known, though if that were the case, she wouldn't have kissed him in The Empire Strikes Back.
Their Personality

Princess Emma has a very fiery, independent personality, and Princess Leia is no different. They both are very witty, leading to some usable quotes in the right situations, including “Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!” from Princess Leia, and “The land of Terralain is like Kyle’s honor. It doesn’t exist.” from Princess Emma. They can both take over and fight as well as their male siblings, Luke and Smalls, if not better.
They’re both amazing leaders and have proven that time and time again, the most notable of each being Han and Luke’s “rescue” of Leia on the Death Star. She took over, led them out of danger, and into the trash compactor. Emma’s most notable showcase of leadership was before The Battle of First Warren in her speech before the battle.

There are some differences between the characters, some that I've mentioned above but some I haven't. Here's a rundown, with sub-headings above each difference.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. One's a human and one's a rabbit.
Discovery of their Heritage
Leia found out that she wasn't born a princess, while Emma found the opposite, that she was born a princess.
Their Brother
Emma's brother knew that Emma was his sister, while Luke didn't until hours before
he told his sister.
If you’ve read this far congratulations! If you just scrolled this far, then I’ll sum it all up here.
Both Leia and Emma were princesses, one born into it, one not. They both had a brother they didn’t know that they were brother and sister until later into their saga or book series. Both were very feisty and witty people. They were also very good leaders, and they proved it time and time again.
In conclusion, both are amazingly written characters, with great personalities, and realistic. They are some of my favorites from each series, with Emma being my third, and Leia being my first from their respective series.

Thanks for reading this!
As always, MTFBWY and Bear the Flame!
- Rhys
Wow!!!! Amazing job on this! It was super interesting to read (and I definitely hope you do more in the future if you're up for it)!!! Leia and Emma definitely are very similar and you brought up even more similarities than I had thought of at first - with the secret brothers and one parent dying when they were young, and not meeting the other parents until about 19 (or however old that is translated into actual rabbit years). That is just so cool. And I totally agree - both have very well-done personalities and both are relatable. I think my favorite similarity between the two is their witty comebacks. Just fabulous.