I think this can fit in this section... But I could be wrong.
When Heather was stuck in the mound's entrance, she thought she saw pity on Redeye's face.
So I'm going to overanalyze it.
We don't know much about Redeye's life before the Green Ember, but I have a feeling it wasn't too happy. Here's why:
1) His Father
We know his father was evil and what naught, so he probably wasn't the easiest person to live with.
2) His Mother
Non-existant. Probably dead. Maybe when Redeye was young. Maybe killed by rabbits like his father. Maybe that's why he hates them so much.
3) Him
His attitude makes me think he's out for revenge. It doesn't justify anything, but come on.
And to why he could have pitied Heather, and only for a second?
Here's my theory:
When Redeye was young, his mother, and possibly siblings, were killed when his father was out fighting. He was almost killed himself but narrowly escaped. That's why he pitied Heather. Because she was in the same situation he was once in.
But his vow of revenge to all rabbit kind, made that pity last only for a second.
This is based on a lot of maybes. So many that Good Ol' Master Smith probably doesn't have a tad bit of this in mind.
But I like to think that there's an in-depth story/plight to each character, including villains.
Can't even guess Morbin's though.
Makes total sense.
Some interesting points for sure. However, I doubt any prequel material featuring Redeye will make any effort to make him relatable or pitiable. S. D. Smith has made it apparent that he doesn’t regard the wolves, birds, or dragons as morally complex; they’re his equivalents of Tolkien’s Orcs, Dragons, and Trolls.
If Redeye were to appear in any prequel material, I do wonder if we’d find out how he lost his other eye...
Well, this all might be true! I LOVE overanalyzing things!! For that last note about Morbin: It's clear that S. D. Smith intends for him in this allegory to be "The Satan", the adversary. However, it is also my opinion that he is not the only one. From this story, there are two characters that reflect two aspects of the Devil. Bleston, who represents his fake flattery and ability to infiltrate into the hearts of people by looking and acting good, and Morbin is supposed to be the pure evil side of him, only wanting to enslave, destroy, and rule over without mercy. In that way, you may as well give up all hope of him ever turning good. In the end, he's destined to be slain by the Heir. And only the Heir. The rest is simple. Garten Longtreader is Judas, Jupiter is Jesus, and all of Morbin's army are the Demons that trick, kill, and enslave people. EUGH. Sorry! I got too deep into theology! My bad!
Yea i kind of want a wolf/hawk to be on the good side.
Yeah, this would make sense. There isn't a lot of point now, since Garlackson is dead, but it makes sense!
Wow @Flynn-the-Gray-Warrior!!! Awesome theory!!!